Saturday, March 14, 2020

Ram Navami Celebbration 2020 HD images Whatsapp Messages

On 2nd April 2020, the Hindus in India get ready to celebrate the festival of Ramnavami which is a very important Indian festival and is celebrated across the Indian subcontinent.

Rama Navami is a spring Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of lord Rama. He is particularly important to the Vaishnavism tradition of Hinduism, as the seventh avatar of Vishnu. The festival celebrates the descent of god Vishnu as Rama avatar, through his birth to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya in Ayodhya.

Happy Ram Navami 2019

Rama Navami is one of the Hindu festivals that is celebrated by the Indian Hindu diaspora with roots in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The descendants of Indian indentured servents, for example, who arrived in colonial South Africa before 1910 to work in British owned plantations and mines, thereafter lived through the South African Aparthied regime, continued to celebrate Ram Navami by reciting Ramayana, and by singing Bhajans of Tyagraja. The tradition continues in contemporary times in the Hindu temples of Durban every year.

Ayodhya, being the land of Lord Ram, celebrates the festival like no other place. The streets and houses in Ayodhya are decorated and lit beautifully. The religious centres are done with colourful flowers and the statues of the deities are dressed, bathed and bejeweled. Besides, a nine-day Ram Navami Fair in Ayodhya is organised and people enjoy the most during this time.

"May your life light up bright with the divine blessing of Lord Rama. Happy Ram Navami!

May Lord Rama bless you with success, peace, happiness and good vibes
On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami and all the days to follow ...Happy Ram Navami!

Ayodhya jinka dham hai
Ram jinka naam hai
Aise maryada Purushottam Rama ki
Charnon mein hamara pranam hai.
Aapko Ram Navami ki hardik shubhkamnaye!


Ram Navami Celebbration 2020 HD images Whatsapp Messages

On 2nd April 2020, the Hindus in India get ready to celebrate the festival of  Ramnavami  which is a very important Indian festival an...